
superfreeslots| The biggest scandal in British medical history! 3000 people died! British Prime Minister Voices Urgent Voices


The biggest scandal in British medical historySuperfreeslotsOh, shocking.

On May 21, according to CCTV News, British Prime Minister Sunak apologized for the "failure" of his country's successive governments after the release of the results of the investigation into the "blood contamination scandal", saying that this day was Britain's day of national humiliation. and promised to compensate the victims at all costs.

According to the newly disclosed investigation report, in the UK, the incident caused 30000 people to be infected with HIV or hepatitis C virus through blood products, resulting in about 3000 deaths. British media say the above figures are still increasing every week.

At present, how to compensate the victims and their families is one of the most urgent problems facing the British government. Sunak said the government would announce a compensation plan on May 21 local time to deal with what is considered to be the "worst medical disaster" in the history of Britain's public health system. According to a previous report in the Times, the cost could be as high as 22 billion pounds (202.3 billion yuan).

British Prime Minister's voice

On May 21, according to CCTV News, British Prime Minister Sunak apologized for the "failure" of his country's successive governments after the release of the results of the investigation into the "blood contamination scandal", saying that this day was Britain's day of national humiliation. and promised to compensate the victims at all costs.

"on behalf of this administration and every government since the 1970s, I would like to apologize." In a speech in the House of Commons of the British Parliament on the same day, Sunak said, "I want to make a wholehearted and clear apology for this terrible injustice."

Britain's "blood contamination scandal" dates back to the 1970s and early 1990s. At that time, Britain was hardly self-sufficient in donating blood, so it sought help from the United States to meet the growing demand. However, some of the imported blood comes from high-risk donors such as prisoners and drug users, resulting in some blood being contaminated with HIV and HCV.

Brian Longstaff, who is in charge of the investigation, released a report of about 2500 pages on May 20, local time, condemning the failure of "successive governments, the NHS and the Blood Service".

The report points out that imported blood products used to treat many people are unsafe and should not be licensed for use in the UK; a large number of patients are exposed to unacceptable risk of infection; the incident resulted in 30000 people being infected with HIV or hepatitis C through blood products, which has so far killed about 3000 people.

superfreeslots| The biggest scandal in British medical history! 3000 people died! British Prime Minister Voices Urgent Voices

British media say the above figures are still increasing every week.

In addition, the report also shows that British health system staff have "deliberately" destroyed relevant documents since 1993, which is equivalent to a "general cover-up".

In a statement, Langstaff stressed: "this disaster is not an accident." The pollution occurred because the people in charge-doctors, blood services and successive governments-did not put patient safety first. "

Sunak said after the release of the report that the investigation report should "fundamentally shock our country," which showed "decades of moral failure at the core of our national life."

Sunak strongly condemned the actions of the NHS Federation, the civil service and government officials as "disappointing the country", saying that "people in power and trust have the opportunity to stop the spread of these infections again and again." butSuperfreeslotsThey have failed to do this again and again.

British media pointed out that the "blood contamination scandal" is the most serious medical disaster in the history of the NHS.

The total amount of compensation may exceed 200 billion

The British government's action to deal with the "blood contamination scandal" has been controversial. Decades after the scandal, in 2015, the then British Prime Minister Cameron apologized to the victims on behalf of the government. Until 2017, then British Prime Minister Theresa May ordered a thorough investigation into the medical malpractice caused by the dereliction of duty of the British universal health service (NHS), and then launched a public investigation process.

The performance of the Sunak government on this issue has also been criticized by the outside world. Clive Smith, president of the British Hemophilia Association, said earlier that this has never been a political issue and that no government should procrastinate.

At present, how to compensate the victims and their families is one of the most urgent problems facing the British government.

Sunak said the government would announce a compensation plan on May 21 local time to deal with what is considered to be the "worst medical disaster" in the history of Britain's public health system.

According to a previous report in the Times, the House of Commons of the British Parliament has passed an amendment to set up an independent body to manage the state compensation payable for the "blood contamination scandal". The cost could be as high as 22 billion pounds (202.3 billion yuan).

It is reported that the British government has made temporary payments of about 400 million pounds to some victims and bereaved partners. However, according to Brian Longstaff, a former judge and chairman of the blood pollution investigation committee, the compensation should be extended to "hitherto unrecognized deaths", as well as parents and children who have lost loved ones as a result of contaminated blood.

The Treasury estimates that the total compensation will reach 5 billion to 22 billion pounds, which will have a significant impact on the UK health care system and national finances, as well as the current government's plans to cut taxes before the next general election.

In fact, Britain is not the only "victim". France, Portugal, Italy, Iceland, Japan, Canada, Iran, Iraq and other countries have also experienced large-scale HIV infection because of the import of contaminated blood products from the United States. In the United States, contaminated blood also causes tens of thousands of infections.

At present, responsible persons have been held accountable in some countries, and relevant pharmaceutical companies have also compensated millions of dollars to victims through out-of-court settlements in the United States.

According to previous CGTN reports, in the United States, the birthplace of the scandal, blood is a big business, accounting for 2% of the country's total exports.Superfreeslots.69%. The country provides 94% of the world's paid plasma, creating a unique "blood economy". In most countries and regions of the world, it is illegal to collect plasma for a fee, while in the United States, each person is allowed to "donate" plasma twice a week, up to 104 times a year, with an average reward of US $35 for each time.

This article was first posted on the official account of Wechat: brokerage China. The content of the article belongs to the author's personal point of view and does not represent the position of Hexun. Investors operate accordingly, at their own risk.

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2024-05-21 15:53:26

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