
dragonslairgame| New energy vehicles: Recently, detailed rules for the "old-for-new" subsidy for automobiles have been released, which is expected to increase automobile sales by 5 - 10% in 2024


Source Gangtise Investment Research

analysts saiddragonslairgameAccording to data from the Passenger Federation,dragonslairgameIn April, domestic new energy wholesale, retail and exports were 78 respectivelydragonslairgame.50,000 vehicles, 67dragonslairgame4,000 vehicles and 115,000 vehicles, down 3.7%, 5.7% and 4.1% respectively month-on-month, corresponding to a wholesale penetration rate of new energy of 39.9%, a year-on-year increase of 6 pct. At the level of key automobile companies, sales of NIO, Krypton and Zero-running new energy vehicles in April all reached 15,000 to 16,000 units, a strong month-on-month performance; BYD wholesale 313,000 units in April, a month-on-month increase of 4%; Xiaomi Automobile delivered 7058 vehicles in April, with orders on hand exceeding 100,000 vehicles; Celisi Group's wholesale sales in April reached 25,000 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 750%. In addition, detailed rules for the "trade-in" subsidy for automobiles have been issued recently, involving 14 million existing vehicles (the number of licensed vehicles), which is expected to increase car sales by 5 to 10% in 2024.

dragonslairgame| New energy vehicles: Recently, detailed rules for the "old-for-new" subsidy for automobiles have been released, which is expected to increase automobile sales by 5 - 10% in 2024

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2024-05-14 08:44:34

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