
jackpotmagnum| 813 investors in Haohua Energy (601101) have claimed more than 160 million yuan, and some investors have already received compensation of 44.17 million yuan. In the early stage, investors have won the verdict


On April 16, 2024, Haohua Energy (Rights Protection) (601101) released its 2023 annual report, in which the civil lawsuit involving misrepresentation filed by investors was disclosed as follows:

In 2021, investors of Haohua Energy Company filed a series of civil lawsuits against the company for misrepresentation of securities on the grounds of the announcement on the acquisition of 30% equity held by Beijing Industrial Development Investment Management Co., Ltd., Ordos Jingdong Energy Investment Co., Ltd., on February 11, 2015, and / or the corresponding periodic report on financial data disclosure errors.

As of March 31, 2024, according to the litigation documents served by the Beijing Financial Court, a total of 813 investors filed civil compensation actions for securities misrepresentation against the company, with a total amount of 164 claims.Jackpotmagnum, 844290 yuan. At present, the Beijing Financial Court has successively issued a civil mediation statement or judicial confirmation civil order on the 537 case. The total compensation for investment losses of 537 investors is 44170952.54 yuan, and the litigation costs are 70016.99 yuan. As of December 31, 2023, the company has paid compensation of 23647103.79 yuan and litigation costs of 55081.81 yuan.

As mentioned above, the Beijing Financial Court has successively made civil judgments, civil mediation statements or judicial confirmation civil rulings on 537 of these cases. For the remaining 276 cases, the investors' losses totaled 51783363.54 yuan. According to the compensation principle determined by the model judgment, the amount of compensation to be borne by Haohua Energy Company is estimated to be 41426690.83 yuan.

jackpotmagnum| 813 investors in Haohua Energy (601101) have claimed more than 160 million yuan, and some investors have already received compensation of 44.17 million yuan. In the early stage, investors have won the verdict

The Haohua Energy Investor claim case represented by Shanghai Jiucheng Law firm Xu Feng has been filed by the Beijing Financial Court many times before, and is now waiting for the next step of the court. In addition, it needs to be reminded that investors have already won the judgment in the early stage of the Haohua investors' claim case, and follow-up investors can continue to file claims. Xu Feng's legal team has also received mediation statements in some cases before, and investors have obtained compensation through mediation. At present, they are still accepting the entrustment of claims from other investors and are continuing to press ahead with the follow-up filing work. At present, the statute of limitations of this case is only about five months. (lawyer Xu Feng's column)

On the evening of November 10, 2021, Haohua Energy received the decision on Administrative punishment issued by the Securities Regulatory Commission. After investigation, the illegal facts of Haohua Energy are as follows: Haohua Energy will carry out 450 million tons of coal resources actually held by JD according to 960 million tons of coal resources.JackpotmagnumThe accounting treatment led to false records in the company's annual reports in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018, with inflated assets of about 2.825 billion yuan, accounting for 14.26%, 13.96%, 13.77% and 13.58% of the total audited assets in the current period, respectively.

Lawyer Xu Feng, director of Shanghai Jiucheng Law firm, believes that investors who bought Haohua Energy shares between February 11, 2015 and December 28, 2019, and sold or continued to hold the shares after December 28, 2019, can also file claims. Investors who file claims within the limitation of action and estimate losses will also get a winning judgment. (Haohua Energy Rights Protection entrance)

(this article is contributed by lawyer Xu Feng, director of Shanghai Jiucheng Law firm, and does not represent Sina's financial position. Lawyer Xu Feng, who has been a lawyer since 2008, has been a claim agent in the field of securities fraud, such as misrepresentation, insider trading, market manipulation and so on. Over the past ten years, investors who have represented nearly 200 stocks have won the case or obtained compensation through mediation, and in the same period, they have also won or mediated claims for nearly 300 stocks within the limitation of action, and some of them have already won the case and obtained compensation through mediation. License No.: 13101200810965495)

09 05

2024-05-09 15:21:04

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