


News summary

The world's first deepwater underwater automatic service manifold was completed and delivered to Securities Times e Company News, on May 2, it was independently designed and manufactured by my countrywwwpowerballresultsfortodayThe world's first deep-water underwater automatic service manifold was completed and delivered. This type of equipment is targeted for the second phase of the "Deep Sea-1" project currently under construction and canwwwpowerballresultsfortoday...

Newsletter text

The world's first deepwater underwater automatic service manifold was completed and delivered Securities Times e Company News that on May 2, the world's first deepwater underwater automatic service manifold independently designed and manufactured by my country was completed and delivered. This type of equipment is aimed at the "Deep Sea-1" Phase II project is currently under construction. The targeted research and development of the "Deep Sea One" project can remotely control and implement deepwater sea pipe pigging operations. Its completion is of great significance to promoting the development and utilization of my country's complex deepwater oil and gas resources and accelerating the realization of high-level self-reliance and self-reliance in marine science and technology.


(: Congratulations
03 05

2024-05-03 20:36:32

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