
europeanroulette|争夺东南亚市场 微软将投资22亿美元在马来西亚建AI基础设施


Source: Wall Street

The investment is the largest investment in Microsoft's 32-year history of operating in Malaysia.EuropeanrouletteHighlighting Microsoft's efforts to stand out in the Asian market. Microsoft will also train 200000 artificial intelligence talents for MalaysiaEuropeanrouletteAnd work with the Malaysian government to enhance the country's cyber security capabilities.

europeanroulette|争夺东南亚市场 微软将投资22亿美元在马来西亚建AI基础设施

Microsoft announced on Thursday that it will invest $2.2 billion in Malaysia to build infrastructure for cloud computing and artificial intelligence services over the next four years.

The investment, announced by Microsoft chief executive Nadella during a visit to Kuala Lumpur on Thursday, is the largest investment in Microsoft's 32-year history of operating in Malaysia and highlights Microsoft's efforts to stand out in the Asian market. Microsoft will also train 200000 artificial intelligence personnel for Malaysia and work with the Malaysian government to improve the country's cyber security capabilities.

It is understood that the Asian cloud computing and artificial intelligence market is rising day by day. Microsoft competes with Google parent company Alphabet, Amazon and other companies to compete for more than 6.EuropeanrouletteA market with a population of 500 million Technology companies are expanding in Malaysia and neighboring countries such as Singapore, and Nadella has pledged to invest at least $7 billion to expand their services from Japan to India, while vigorously promoting artificial intelligence as an engine of growth. and urged countries to increase investment in the technology.

Nadella met with Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim in Kuala Lumpur and then spoke to business leaders and developers at a company event. "We are committed to supporting the transformation of artificial intelligence in Malaysia and ensuring that all Malaysians benefit from it," he said. "

In Malaysia, the southern state of Johor, which is connected by land to Singapore, is becoming one of the hotspots of artificial intelligence data centers in Asia, according to media reports. Last year, Nvidia partnered with local utility YTL Power International Bhd to build a $4.3 billion artificial intelligence data center campus in the region.

At present, the adoption rate of artificial intelligence in Southeast Asia is still in its infancy, but artificial intelligence has the potential to increase the size of the region's economy by about $1,000bn by 2030, of which Malaysia will account for about $115 billion, according to Kearney, a consultancy.

Microsoft said this week that it would train a total of 2.5 million artificial intelligence personnel in Southeast Asia by 2025. According to Suxiu, about 680000 Malaysian developers used Microsoft-owned programming platform GitHub in 2023, an increase of 28% year-on-year.

Before leaving for Malaysia, Nadella had already announced an investment of US $1.7 billion in Indonesia and a certain amount of investment in Thailand to build artificial intelligence clouds and digital infrastructure. As part of its investment in Thailand, Microsoft plans to invest about $1 billion in a new data center in Thailand, according to the Bangkok Post.

Not only in Southeast Asia, but also around the world, Microsoft has announced plans to invest $2.9 billion in artificial intelligence and cloud infrastructure in Japan, with industry commitments of $3.2 billion in the UK, $3.5 billion in Germany and $2.1 billion in Spain.

Microsoft has also invested billions in artificial intelligence start-up Anthropic and $1.5 billion in G42, an artificial intelligence company in the United Arab Emirates, and hired DeepMind AI and Inflection AI co-founder Mustafa Suleyman as chief executive of Microsoft's AI division in March. Other key Inflection AI executives and several employees have also joined Microsoft.

Microsoft shares rose 0% in intraday trading on Thursday.Europeanroulette.76%, at $397.94.

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2024-05-03 05:35:24

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