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[research report released by China Investment Anxin Futures Research Institute] on April 5, China Investment Anxin Futures Research Institute released a research report, which made a comprehensive analysis and forecast of China's futures market in 2024.

The report points out that China's futures market will face multiple challenges and opportunities in 2024. Under the background of globalization, marketization and science and technology, China's futures market will usher in new development opportunities. At the same time, changes in the economic situation at home and abroad will also have an important impact on the futures market.

According to the report, China's futures market in 2024 will show the following characteristics: first, the market size will continue to maintain steady growth; second, the degree of internationalization of the market will be further enhanced; third, science and technology and innovation will become an important force in promoting market development; fourth, market supervision will be further strengthened to promote the healthy and stable development of the market.

The report also looks forward to the development prospect of China's futures market. The report believes that with the sustained development of China's economy and the continuous improvement of the level of opening up to the outside world, China's futures market will usher in a broader space for development. At the same time, China's futures market will also play a more important role in serving the real economy, promoting price discovery and improving market efficiency.

The report suggests that participants in the futures market should actively respond to market changes, strengthen risk management, improve service quality, and make positive contributions to the development of the market.

In addition, the report also analyzes and forecasts some specific futures, including agricultural products (000061), energy, chemicals, metals and so on. The report believes that these varieties will face different market environments and development opportunities in 2024.

Generally speaking, the report of China Investment Anxin Futures Research Institute provides important reference and guidance for market participants, and helps all parties to better grasp the market development trends and make reasonable decisions.


04 05

2024-05-04 16:35:28

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