


May 3CryptominecraftThe Shanghai Real Estate Industry Association and the Shanghai Real Estate Brokerage Industry Association jointly proposed to launch a commercial housing "trade-in" campaign, which aims to facilitate residents to replace housing through the "trade-in" mode. better support residents' reasonable gradient home purchase demand.

This "trade-in" activity is mainly aimed at home buyers who plan to sell second-hand homes and buy new ones. Home buyers first reach the intention of buying new houses with real estate development enterprises, and then the real estate brokerage agencies give priority to promoting their old housing transactions, and complete the new housing transactions according to the agreement after the old houses are sold successfully.

Source: official account of Shanghai Real Estate Brokerage Industry Association

According to reports, the first batch of more than 20 real estate development enterprises and nearly 10 real estate brokerage agencies participated in the initiative. The first batch of more than 30 projects participated in the initiative, mainly distributed in Jiading, Songjiang, Qingpu, Fengxian, Lingang and other regions. The real estate development enterprises that participated in this "trade-in" activity promised that within a certain period of time, if the old house was not sold successfully, the buyers could "return the house and refund" without conditions; the real estate brokers promised to "push the old houses of the buyers throughout the city and give priority to the sale".

During the event, the Shanghai Real Estate Industry Association recommended that real estate development enterprises increase the intensity of concessions to provide corresponding concessions for "trade-in" residents; the Shanghai Real Estate Brokerage Industry Association proposed real estate brokerage agencies to provide exclusive preferential services for "trade-in" residents. At the same time, in order to provide more choices and protection for home buyers, the relevant platform (Leju good Housing) provides professional services for all parties in this "trade-in" activity, including providing convenient services such as temporary trusteeship for residents who intend to buy new houses, and big data services for development enterprises and brokerage institutions.

This "trade-in" activity is to further expand the scope of participation, increase service items, standardize service process and improve service efficiency on the basis of the existing measures of some real estate development enterprises and brokers. Shanghai Real Estate Industry Association and Shanghai Real Estate Brokerage Industry Association hope that more development enterprises and brokerage agencies will participate and jointly provide better services for "trade-in" residents.


"this' trade-in 'initiative launched in Shanghai can be said to be the first local policy in the country to respond quickly and actively implement since the meeting of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held on April 30, and it has a very good demonstration effect. Combined with the May Day holiday property market promotion activities, the initiative is carried out in a very timely and timely manner, which helps to better promote the promotion of 'trade-in' work, and gives positive support to the demand for selling old and new housing. "

Yan Yuejin, research director of the Yiju Research Institute, told the Daily Economic News that at present, all parts of the country are actively promoting the "trade-in" policy pilot or initiative, and Shanghai's participation also shows the recognition of this policy by first-tier cities. Through the pilot, it helps to better grasp the overall planning mechanism of stock real estate digestion and incremental housing optimization, and has a very good inspiration for follow-up policy innovation or promotion.

Zhang Bo, director of Anjuke Research Institute, said that the "trade-in" activity in Shanghai was carried out by the Real Estate Association in conjunction with brokerage companies and real estate enterprises, in order to speed up the pace of replacement, rather than the government directly involved in the acquisition process. At present, the base of the replacement population in Shanghai is relatively large, but from the perspective of the new houses participating in the replacement, it is mainly outside the outer ring, and the removal difficulty in this area is generally greater than that in the outer ring, but because the housing price resistance of Shanghai itself is among the highest in the country, it is expected that the effect of the policy will also be better than it.CryptominecraftThe city where he introduced similar policies.

"after May 1, it is expected that in combination with the spirit of the meeting of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, the pace of initiatives and pilot projects such as' trade in the old for the new 'will be accelerated, which will play a positive role in boosting the national real estate market and high-quality development. Most crucially, the trade-in itself helps to better promote the release of the demand for improved housing for ordinary people (603883). " Yan Yuejin added.

Cover photo source: daily economic news profile

04 05

2024-05-04 02:35:29

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