
livboereepoker| Western Digital empowers the diversified development of the radio, television and audio-visual industry and joins hands with partners to explore user experience



In today's digital age, the rapid development of artificial intelligence, cloud computing, 5G, big data and other technologies is leading a new round of industrial intelligence change. Since last year, generative AI has continued to be popular, and various large model applications such as text, graphics and video have emerged one after another. Various industries have accelerated the exploration of AIGC innovation technology and made every effort to promote the landing application of AI large model technology.

In the radio and television audio-visual industry, with the continuous application of emerging technologies such as AIGC, 5G and cloud computing, while accelerating business innovation and improving work efficiency, a large number of exponentially growing audio and video unstructured data also bring to the storage system.LivboereepokerGreater challenges and higher requirements have been put forward. How to improve the storage performance and solve the storage problem of massive data has become the main challenge for the radio and television audio-visual industry.

Storage challenges brought by the diversified development of radio and television audio-visual industry

From 1080p to 4K to 8K ultra high definition video, 3D video. Technological innovation is pushing the radio and television audio-visual industry into an era of diversified development. At the beginning of this year, with the launch of the Vincent video model Sora, it completely broke the traditional audio and video creation mode, and let more users see the new opportunities that artificial intelligence brings to the radio and television audio-visual industry.

The author believes that artificial intelligence technology not only continues to promote the innovation of radio and television audio-visual industry, but also brings the following challenges to the data storage system.

First, massive unstructured data put forward higher requirements for storage system capacity, requiring enterprises to find storage solutions with higher capacity and lower cost.

Second, the application of AIGC technology puts forward higher requirements for the performance of the storage system, and the all-flash storage solution has become a must in the radio and television audio-visual industry.

Third, the security of data must be highly valued by enterprises, which requires them to choose more stable, reliable and secure storage products.

Wen Fang, General Manager of key account Business of Western Digital in China

Wen Fang, general manager of Western Digital's key account business in China, saidLivboereepokerTechnologies such as generative artificial intelligence (AIGC), ultra high definition and 5G have promoted the diversification of new media forms and the convenience of content production in the radio and television audio-visual industry, which has also accelerated the arrival of a new era. "

Wen Fang further stressed, "in order to help users grasp the opportunities and waves of cultural digitization, our primary task is to provide diversified storage solutions that can meet the needs of capacity, performance, security and reliability. As a leading storage solution provider, Western Digital can handle a variety of audio-visual storage application scenarios ranging from data collection to transmission to task archiving. "

Western Digital empowers innovation in radio and television audio-visual industry with diversified storage products

Different scenarios require different storage products. Western Digital, which has been deeply involved in the storage market for decades, knows very well the actual needs of users in the radio and television audio-visual industry, and continues to provide users with a full range of multi-scene storage solutions to fully meet the diversified storage needs of all kinds of radio and television audio-visual application scenarios.

At the just concluded 30th China International Radio and Television Information Network Exhibition (CCBN 2024) with the theme of "better Radio and Television", Western Digital and a number of partners participated in the exhibition, showing off a rich range of storage products and exploring how to use innovative technologies and high-performance products to enhance the user experience in the audio-visual era. On the booths of Jingyi Technology, Xinyun Technology and Huahui Blue Ocean, Western Digital focused on showing its Ultrastar for data center application scenarios.Livboereepoker? Series of superior storage solutions.

Jingyi Technology is a professional equipment and storage supplier in the radio and television industry, showing up at this exhibition with a variety of innovative products, including AIOps smart operation and maintenance, AI smart storage. Xinyun Technology is a domestic independent high-tech enterprise and storage manufacturer, focusing on media, video, audio and image fields. Huahui Blue Sea is a professional service company based on the integration and technical consultation of high-end digital film and television systems in the radio, film and television industry.

(from left to right, Ultrastar DC HC580 CMR HDD, Ultrastar DC SN655 NVMe SSD)

First of all, in order to meet the storage needs of massive audio and video unstructured data and reduce the data storage costs of enterprises, Western Digital provides Ultrastar DC HC580 CMR HDD products. The product is equipped with enhanced OptiNAND technology and realizes a single disc 2 on the basis of CMR traditional magnetic recording.LivboereepokerWith an area density of .4TB, which can provide the original storage capacity of each U (unit) 612TB in a 4U, 102-bit platform, higher storage density can help data center customers maximize storage capacity, reduce total cost of ownership (TCO), and continue to drive scale innovation in the same footprint and limited power environment.

livboereepoker| Western Digital empowers the diversified development of the radio, television and audio-visual industry and joins hands with partners to explore user experience

(Western Digital Ultrastar DC HC580 CMR HDD)

In addition, HC580 is optimized for heavy application workloads, which can handle heavy application workloads up to 550TB each year, and provides up to 2.5 million hours of mean time between failure (MTBF). High durability and reliability meet the data center users' requirements for secure and reliable data storage.

(Western Digital Ultrastar DC SN655 NVMe SSD)

To meet the continuous data access requirements under the enterprise's high availability requirements, Western Digital offers Ultrastar DC SN655 NVMe SSD, a cost-effective and low-power vertically integrated SSD product that provides a simple and scalable single-port or dual-port path, capable of providing more than 1 million of the maximum random read IOPs and higher quality of service (Qos) for large, unstructured workloads. It has an embedded U.3 15mm form factor and is backward compatible with U.2. Capacity extends from 3.84TB to 15.36TB to meet the requirements of storage and mixed workload computing applications. Other more enterprise-class features, including power failure protection and end-to-end data path protection, are also fully equipped to ensure data security and availability.

(from left to right, Ultrastar DC SN655 NVMe SSD, Ultrastar DC HC580 CMR HDD)

In order to meet the personalized and diversified audio-visual needs of users, enterprises are actively promoting the exploration of new audio-visual models to present exquisite audio-visual effects to the audience, and different applications need different storage products. Based on its own industry accumulation, technological advantages, market insight and product innovation, Western Digital has created diversified storage solutions with large capacity, high performance and expansibility, which can promote the application of AIGC, UHD, big data and other technologies in the audio-visual field, and provide a better audio-visual experience for the majority of audiences.

Join hands with partners to explore the user experience in the big video era

In the face of the rapid development of new technology, how to more accurately grasp the real needs of users and provide better products and solutions for different application scenarios is also the focus of Western Digital. With different partners, we will be able to grasp the development direction of the industry faster and better, and plan products and solutions in advance.

In fact, besides providing storage products with high performance, large capacity, high security and high reliability, Western Digital also actively cooperates with many important software developers, OEM and cloud service providers to deliver samples of the latest technology and products to partners for joint testing, continuously optimize possible bottlenecks, and finally create solutions that meet the needs of partners and the market.

With the development of technology, users' demand for audio-visual experience is constantly upgrading around the form and creation of content. Looking forward to seeing more and more brands and enterprises join hands to win-win in the industry, continue to promote innovation in the audio-visual field and the expansion of application scenarios, and enhance the audio-visual experience of users.

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2024-04-29 15:00:16

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