
taitoegretii| Midday review: Shanghai Composite Index rose 0.37% Internet e-commerce and power sectors rose sharply


Securities Times e Company NewstaitoegretiiOn May 27, the three major indexes collectively opened higher in early trading and their trends diverged. As of the close of noon, the Shanghai Composite Index rose 0.0%taitoegretii.37%, the Shenzhen Composite Index fell 0.27%, and the GEM Index fell 0.65%. On the market, the power sector surged sharply, with multiple shares in Chendian International (600969), Guangxi Energy, New China-Hong Kong Second Connect Board, virtual power plants, UHV and other segments rising daily; the concept of Internet e-commerce surged sharply, with New Schindler and Kaichun Shares and Cross-Border Connect (002640) trading daily limit; the concept of the shipping sector strengthened, and Phoenix Shipping had a daily limit; the coal sector rose, and Jinkong Coal Industry rose more than 5%. Conceptual sectors such as precious metals, banking, and oil and gas exploration were among the top gainers; conceptual sectors such as copper high-speed connections, BC batteries, consumer electronics, and real estate were among the top gainers; more than 3900 stocks in the two cities fell, with half-day turnover exceeding 470 billion yuan.

taitoegretii| Midday review: Shanghai Composite Index rose 0.37% Internet e-commerce and power sectors rose sharply

27 05

2024-05-27 11:43:51

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