
deuceswild44strategy| The number of insured people exceeds 6 million, and the maximum compensation age of Shenzhen "Huimin Insurance" exceeds 100 years.


Interface News reporter | Liu Chenguang

May 21Deuceswild44strategyThe interface news reporter learned from the underwriter that since the launch of Shenzhen Huimin Insurance in 2024 on May 7, the enthusiasm for insurance has continued to heat up.

Shenzhen Huimin Insurance is a universal commercial supplementary medical insurance jointly guided by Shenzhen Medical Security Bureau, Shenzhen Local Monetary Administration and Shenzhen Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration. It was first launched in 2023 and the number of participants exceeded 6 million.

It is worth noting that so far, Shenzhen Huimin Insurance has paid a total of nearly 100000 people, covering all age groups, with the highest compensation age of 101 years old and the youngest being a 59-day-old baby.

For the majority of insured people are most concerned about several issues, such as "who can participate in the insurance?" "how do I pay?" "how can I inquire about the insurance policy?" And so on, the underwriting institution of Shenzhen Huimin Insurance will carry out this.Deuceswild44strategyAn answer has been given.

deuceswild44strategy| The number of insured people exceeds 6 million, and the maximum compensation age of Shenzhen "Huimin Insurance" exceeds 100 years.

It is understood that as long as normal participation and payment of basic medical insurance in Shenzhen can participate in insurance, unlimited age, unlimited medical history, unlimited household registration, unlimited occupation. And the participation in the insurance is not limited to health status, as long as the participants who normally participate in and pay Shenzhen medical insurance can participate in the insurance, and the proportion of compensation is no different from that of the healthy population.

Public data show that "Shenzhen Huimin Insurance" is an upgraded version of the original "Shenzhen serious illness Insurance". On the basis of insisting on the universal characteristics of "Shenzhen serious illness Insurance", such as unlimited age, occupation, and health status, it breaks through the restrictions of the medical insurance catalogue. it has improved the self-expense protection outside the medical insurance catalogue, provided a wider range of supplementary medical insurance for Shenzhen participants, and raised the level of protection for major and serious diseases.

Compared with last year, the deductibles for various benefits of Shenzhen Huimin Insurance in 2024 have been comprehensively reduced, including the expenses in the medical insurance catalogue, hospitalization compliance drugs and inspection expenses, and rare diseases at their own expense. The deductible is from the original 1.Deuceswild44strategy60, 000 yuan down to 1.Deuceswild44strategyThe deductibles for out-patient compliance drugs at their own expense and the fees guaranteed by "Hong Kong and Macao Medicines and Equipments" have been reduced from 40, 000 yuan to 35000 yuan. At the same time, for the insured who have continuously participated in Shenzhen Huimin Insurance, the deductibles for the above-mentioned benefits have been further reduced by 1000 yuan, or more than 12 percent.

Industry insiders analyzed and pointed out that with regard to setting deductibles, that is, in accordance with the original intention of the product design of "protecting serious and serious illnesses," Shenzhen Huimin Insurance has set certain deductibles, mainly to use limited insurance funds to protect high medical expenses, reduce the financial burden of families brought about by large medical expenses, and effectively prevent and resolve the risk of returning to poverty caused by illness. Compared with 2023, the deductible of Shenzhen Huimin Insurance in 2024 has been fully reduced, the continuous insured population has dropped more, and the threshold for claims settlement has been further lowered.

It is understood that there is no conflict between Shenzhen Huimin Insurance and other medical insurance in the settlement of claims. The medical expenses incurred by the insured can successively apply for claims from different insurance products, but the total amount of multiple claims cannot exceed the total amount of their medical expenses.

It is worth mentioning that, according to the claim data of Shenzhen Huimin Insurance in 2023, among the people who participated in Shenzhen Huimin Insurance and incurred claim settlement costs, the 30-50 age group accounted for the highest number of claims and the total amount of compensation.

21 05

2024-05-21 16:34:39

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