
reelryobixenos3| AsiaInfo Technology releases the "Yuansi" industry model, and "full-stack AI" empowers industry transformation


May 16, AsiaInfo Technology (stock symbolReelryobixenos3: 01675Reelryobixenos3HK) held a grand conference of "Yuanshi" industry model products in Beijing and officially unveiled a general artificial intelligence and cognitive enhancement platform TAC MaaS, 3 industry models and 8 cognitive enhancement tools, which indicates that the vertical industry of AsiaInfo Technology has entered the fast lane relying on "full stack AI".

Photo: the scene of the press conference

Wen Ku, chairman of China Communications Standardization Association, Gao Nianshu, executive director and CEO of AsiaInfo Technology, Wei Kai, deputy director of artificial Intelligence Institute of China Telecom, Song Qi, deputy general manager of China Telecom Cloud Network Operation Department, Liu Hong, deputy general manager of China Mobile Information Technology Center, and Lou Yu, deputy general manager of China Unicom Digital Department, attended and delivered speeches. Leaders, experts and hundreds of professionals from the Intelligent Industry Research Institute of Tsinghua University, China Telecom data Development Center, China Unicom Software Research Institute, Henan Mobile, Aliyun, Baidu Intelligent Cloud, Intel and so on.

Photo: guest speech

Adapt to the industry scene and demand of the large model, is a good model!

"instead of making a general-purpose big model, we focus on the industry and do our own big model."

In his speech, Gao Nianshu said that "there is a gap in the general large model landing vertical industry, the lack of unified management leads to repeated construction, and the lack of methods and tools for rapid landing" are the main obstacles to the wide application of the large model. After 31 years of practice of numerous large and small projects, AsiaInfo Technology is based on the real scene of vertical industries such as communications, government affairs, energy, transportation, etc., comprehensively considering the factors of "industry exclusivity, data security, continuous iteration, comprehensive cost", and focusing on the three aspects of "platform, model and tools", to establish a XGPT product system for industry awareness enhancement-- that is, to build a large model capability base. Train M industry-specific models for specific industries and provide N awareness enhancement tools out of the box.

Photo: Gao Nianshu's speech

Gao Nianshu said that AsiaInfo Technology will, as always, actively participate in the development and improvement of artificial intelligence technology, continue to practice, and promote the innovative application of large model technology in enterprise business. AsiaInfo Technology will rely on the "product + service" model, join hands with partners to accelerate the application of empowered enterprises, and jointly explore the infinite possibilities of artificial intelligence.

Figure: the launching ceremony of the industry model

Rely on "full stack AI" to create new quality productive forces

reelryobixenos3| AsiaInfo Technology releases the "Yuansi" industry model, and "full-stack AI" empowers industry transformation

In the product demonstration session, Dr. Ye Xiaozhou, chief scientist of AsiaInfo Technology, and Chen Sheng, deputy general manager of Mobile support Division, introduced in detail.Reelryobixenos3One general artificial intelligence and cognitive enhancement platform, three industry models and eight cognitive enhancement tools are developed.

Figure: this release of the large model product system

A general artificial intelligence and cognitive enhancement platform TAC MaaS

General artificial intelligence and cognition enhancement platform TAC MaaS: intelligent MaaS base and "one-stop" enterprise AI platform built by AsiaInfo Technology, providing full-stack AI technology and out-of-the-box MaaS (Model as a Service, model as a service) service, effectively bridging the gap between general models and industry applications, and solving the problems of shaft operation and maintenance and low resource utilization in the process of AI development and service.

Three industry models

Yuanshi programming model: more than 10 programming tasks, such as code generation comments, code summary and unit test generation, which support industry-specific scenarios, perform well in a variety of industry programming tasks.

Yuanshi self-intelligent network model: supports the network lifecycle intelligence capabilities such as network state real-time analysis, network fault identification and network complaint handling, and helps the communication network evolve to high-level self-intelligence.

Yuanshi intelligent operation and maintenance model: provide all-round intelligent operation and maintenance services, such as customer complaint handling, operation and maintenance work order processing, operation and maintenance knowledge Q & A, operation and maintenance decision execution, and so on.

8 cognitive enhancement tools

Yuan Sihui Business Intelligence Office Co-driver (ChatCRM): through the introduction of large model technology to create a comprehensive benchmarking AI+ application that includes intelligent capabilities such as question and answer, auxiliary management, self-help management, recommendation, reminder, document generation, chat, etc., laying the foundation for the future unmanned business hall technical capabilities.

Yuansihui self-intelligent network co-driver (AN CoPilot): it integrates the self-intelligent network exclusive model, network cognitive enhancement service and intelligent tool set for network operation and maintenance, which is the accelerator and catalyst for the high-level evolution of self-intelligent network.

Yuansihui Business Intelligence Enhancement Analysis tool (ChatBI): an intelligent data analysis assistant targeted at one-stop counting, viewing, and using, through large language models, enhanced analysis and domain knowledge fusion, to help business personnel and data analysts quickly obtain, analyze and display data, and provide intelligent analysis services for managers.

Yuansihui knowledge Dialogue Robot (300024) (ChatBots): it is a multi-engine knowledge dialogue software for communications, transportation, finance, government and enterprise industries. It can be widely used in intelligent customer service, marketing recommendation, knowledge Q & An and other scenarios to help enterprises digitalize transformation, reduce costs and increase efficiency.

Yuansihui Turing programmer (TuringCoder): based on large model technology, it has three capabilities: cross-library code retrieval (Code Search), code interpretation (Code Explain) and code completion (Code Complete) to achieve efficient natural language to code generation and optimization. At the same time, it provides BSS engineering question and answer, unit test generation, code style check, code log cleaning, code security check and other functions to improve development efficiency. Release the creativity of developers and help the digital transformation of enterprises.

Yuansihui Intelligent Operation and maintenance Co-driver (Ops CoPilot): provides enterprise operation and maintenance expert services based on the exclusive large model of operation and maintenance, to help operation and maintenance personnel quickly identify faults, efficiently obtain disposal strategies, and automatically generate fault self-healing scripts.

Yuansihui Task scheduling Automation tool (RPATaskGPT): deeply integrates large model and automation technology, through dialogue drive, you can automatically understand user intentions and intelligently choreograph and generate robot processes, complete task execution and feedback. To create a new generation of digital employees with "0 threshold, full automation and super intelligence".

Yuansihui data Governance Co-driver (DMG CoPilot): focus on providing intelligent data management services for enterprises, and achieve the overall improvement of management efficiency from the data management activities of intelligent enterprises in the areas of data intelligent development, intelligent governance and intelligent operation.

The industry model is promoting the rapid migration of software systems in all walks of life from the +AI intelligence injection model to the AI+ reconstruction model. In order to comprehensively and effectively solve the digital and intelligent transformation challenges faced by enterprises, AsiaInfo Technology, together with Tsinghua University and Intel, jointly released the "AI Native Technology Restructuring Software Products White Paper", which systematically expounds the views and practices of building AI native applications based on the industry model.

Partners tell their true knowledge about AI practice

During the keynote speech session, partner representatives from the three major communication operators, Tsinghua University Intelligent Industry Research Institute, Alibaba Cloud, Baidu Intelligent Cloud, and Intel shared their latest research results and application practices in the field of artificial intelligence based on their respective business practices. He spoke highly of AsiaInfo Technology's outstanding contribution in the field of artificial intelligence, and expressed his expectation for more in-depth cooperation in the future.

Picture: Guest speech

The era of industrial digital intelligence has arrived, and large models have taken the lead in this trend. The AsiaInfo Technology Industry Model is specially designed for specific industries and has three core values of "enhancing industry awareness, building tool ecosystem, and model-as-service", providing enterprises with one-stop AI solutions. In the future, AsiaInfo Technology will join hands with colleagues from all walks of life in industry, academia and research to continuously improve the "product + service" system and continue to provide efficient and easy-to-use "full-stack AI" to government and enterprise customers in various industries.

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2024-05-17 14:54:45

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