
dailyspinincoinmaster| The storm of rectification of local gold exchanges continues! Officials in five provinces and cities announced "clearing" on the same day and warned of relevant risks


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The rectification storm of the local gold exchange continues!

On the afternoon of May 10, Shenzhen and Shandong, Jilin, Jiangxi, Qingdao and other five places issued articles one after another, announcing the cancellation of the gold exchange within their jurisdiction and reminding them of the relevant risks. This also means that nearly two months later, the second round of local gold exchange rectification storm hit again this year.

Shenzhen issued the article under the jurisdiction of the Gold Exchange to clear the zero and prompt the risk.

Yesterday afternoon, Shenzhen Local Monetary Administration issued a document saying that in order to implement the requirements of national financial supervision, Shenzhen Yintong Qianhai Financial assets Trading Center Co., Ltd. voluntarily applied to withdraw from the trading floor industry and no longer engage in trading floor related business. From the date of the promulgation of this announcement, there is no longer a legal trading place for financial assets in this city.

This morning, a reporter from the Financial Associated Press found that the official website of Shenzhen Yintong Qianhai Financial assets Trading Center Co., Ltd. is still able to log in normally. Its official website also published a withdrawal announcement on May 10.DailyspinincoinmasterIn response to the national regulatory policy, with the approval of Shenzhen Qianhai local financial supervision bureau, the company withdrew from the trading floor industry and no longer engaged in trading venue related business

According to its website, Shenzhen Yintong Qianhai Financial assets Trading Center Co., Ltd. currently focuses on special assets, relying on Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area's unique geographical and policy advantages, committed to creating an international one-stop auction service platform with the best customer experience, leading service model and ecological operation-driven.

While announcing the zero of the gold exchange under its jurisdiction, the Shenzhen Local Monetary Administration also issued a document to remind investors to guard against the risks of local exchanges.

dailyspinincoinmaster| The storm of rectification of local gold exchanges continues! Officials in five provinces and cities announced "clearing" on the same day and warned of relevant risks

The bureau said that in order to implement the national financial regulatory requirements, strengthen financial supervision, and prevent and defuse the risks of the "fake gold exchange." The relevant matters are hereby announced as follows: market entities with the words "credit assets", "financial services", "asset registration services", "financial assets transaction consultation", "financial products", "asset registration record", "credit assets transaction consultation" and "asset record" in the individual names or business scope of the market, without the legal permission of the competent department of the state (Jin Kirin analyst) Providing registration and filing services for non-standard debt financing activities belongs to the "fake gold exchange", which has greater financial risks. According to the relevant regulations, except for the trading venues approved by the state financial regulatory authorities, the business activities of other local trading venues and "fake gold exchanges" shall not be financialized, securitized or futures turned into futures, and it is strictly prohibited to carry out illegal financial activities such as continuous centralized bidding trading and illegal futures activities. Enterprises in our city shall carry out financing activities in accordance with the law, consciously resist all kinds of illegal financial activities, and shall not illegally carry out financing activities with the help of all kinds of trading venues and "fake gold exchanges".

Shandong, Jilin, Jiangxi and Qingdao also announced that the gold exchange had been cleared.

A reporter from the Financial Associated Press found that Shenzhen was not the only city that announced the elimination of the local gold exchange yesterday.

Shandong Local Monetary Administration said in an article yesterday afternoon that Shandong Financial assets Trading Center Co., Ltd. has cancelled its financial assets trading business qualification, and Shandong Financial assets Trading Center Co., Ltd. is no longer engaged in financial assets trading related business. Enterprises with the words "production and registration", "production and registration information", "production and registration management", "property rights transaction", "production and delivery information" and "settlement" appear in some names on the market without the permission of the competent departments of the state in accordance with the law, to provide services such as registration and filing for non-standard financing activities is a "fake gold exchange" organization, which has a greater risk.

The Shandong Provincial Local Monetary Administration also pointed out that according to the relevant regulations, except for the trading venues approved by the state financial regulatory authorities, the business activities of other local trading venues and "fake gold exchanges" shall not be financialized, securitized and futures turned into futures. It is strictly forbidden to carry out illegal financial activities such as continuous centralized bidding trading and illegal securities and futures activities. Services and facilities shall not be provided directly or indirectly for all kinds of issuance and sale of non-standard debt financing products in the names of registration, filing, listing transactions, information release, information services, etc. The Shandong provincial government has never approved any provincial or municipal trading venues to set up branches in our province, or to engage in related business by developing member agencies, agents, authorized service agencies, etc. It is an illegal operation for local trading places outside the province to exhibit their business in our province without authorization.

The Jilin Provincial Local Monetary Administration issued a document yesterday afternoon to cancel the financial assets business qualification of Jilin Northeast Asia Innovation Financial assets Trading Center Co., Ltd., in order to comprehensively strengthen financial supervision, prevent and defuse financial risks. After the financial assets business qualification of Jilin Northeast Asia Innovation Financial assets Trading Center Co., Ltd. has been cancelled, there are no more financial assets trading places in our province.

The Jilin Provincial Local Monetary Administration also pointed out that in accordance with the relevant regulations, except for the trading venues approved by the state financial regulatory authorities, the operation of other local trading venues or enterprises shall not be financialized, securitized or futures, and shall not provide registration, filing, sale, listing, settlement and other related services and facilities for non-standard debt financing activities. The Jilin provincial government has never approved any local trading venues outside the province to set up branches in our province, or to carry out related business in our province by developing members, agents, authorized service agencies and so on.

Yesterday afternoon, the Jiangxi Provincial Local Monetary Administration issued a document to cancel the financial assets trading business qualification of Jiangxi Gannan Financial assets Trading Center Co., Ltd. After the cancellation, there are no more trading places for financial assets in our province.

The Jiangxi Provincial Local Monetary Administration also reminded that our province has not approved any non-provincial trading venues and their branches or members, agents, authorized service agencies to carry out financing activities within the jurisdiction of our province. It is illegal to carry out financial assets registration, filing, information release, trading, settlement and other business in our province in the name of non-provincial trading places and their branches or members, agents and authorized service institutions. Enterprises in the province shall comply with the law in financing, consciously resist all kinds of illegal financial activities, and shall not carry out illegal financing activities with the help of all kinds of trading venues and "fake gold exchanges".

A reporter from the Financial Associated Press noted that the Jiangxi Provincial Local Monetary Administration also listed in detail the clean-up and rectification of 31 local fake gold exchanges in the province, most of which have been cancelled and a small number of them have changed the scope of registration.

In addition, the Office of the Financial Committee of the Qingdao Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China also issued a document yesterday to cancel the financial assets trading business qualification of Qingdao Guofu Financial assets Trading Center Co., Ltd., and withdraw from the management of the trading venue. After the withdrawal of Qingdao Guofu Financial assets Trading Center Co., Ltd., there is no gold exchange in our city.

The office of the Finance Committee of the Qingdao Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China also said that Qilu Bill Trading Center Co., Ltd. had not been approved by the provincial people's government and did not have the qualification to carry out the business of trading venues. So far, our city has not approved any out-of-city gold exchange and "fake gold exchange" to set up branches in our city, or to carry out non-standard debt financing registration and filing services in our city through the development of member institutions, agents, authorized service agencies, etc.

The Beijing Gold Exchange is still normal.

On December 17, 2021, the CSRC cleaned up and rectified the inter-ministerial joint conference office of all kinds of trading venues, requiring the general offices of provincial governments with financial assets trading venues (hereinafter referred to as the gold exchange) to immediately organize the local financial regulatory authorities at the provincial level to carry out on-site inspection of the gold exchanges under their jurisdiction. Since then, the provinces began to step in to rectify the local gold exchanges.

At the end of 2021, the local financial supervision bureau of Liaoning Province announced that it would cancel the business qualification of financial assets trading places of Liaoning North Financial assets Trading Center Co., Ltd., and no longer engage in the related business of financial assets trading places. In 2022, Jiangsu, Hebei and other provinces also announced a number of financial asset exchanges in the province.

In December 2023, the CSRC issued a document saying that it would strengthen regulatory coordination, regulate all kinds of securities activities in accordance with the law, severely crack down on "fake private placement", and clean up and rectify the Gold Exchange and the "fake Gold Exchange." Since then, the rectification of local gold exchanges has been further accelerated.

On March 25 this year, the Hunan Provincial Local Monetary Administration, the Chongqing Local Monetary Administration, and the Liaoning Provincial CPC Committee Financial Office issued announcements one after another, abolishing the financial assets exchange / trading center in the province, and there are no more local financial assets trading places. On the same day, Xi'an Local Monetary Administration issued a notice to cancel the financial assets trading business qualification of Xi'an Baijin Financial assets Trading Center Co., Ltd., and no longer engage in the related business of financial assets trading venues.

In addition, a reporter from the Financial Associated Press today found that on April 10 this year, Tianjin Financial assets Exchange Co., Ltd. issued a notice that it had stopped doing business in accordance with regulatory requirements. This means that the gold exchange has basically announced its closure. However, there is no news of the closure of the Beijing Financial assets Exchange, and its official website can still be opened normally today. On April 2, the Beijing Financial assets Exchange also issued a notice on the measures for the Administration of Business fees of the Beijing Financial assets Exchange (for trial implementation).

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2024-05-11 21:25:28

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